Genre: Fast Psychedelic Trance
Album: “Tumor Wars – The Cancer Fight Club Benefit Compilation vol.2”
Compiled by: Alpha
Record Label: Spontaneous Aerobics (Germany)
Release date: October 7, 2022

In remembrance of Doc. Shock

“The Cancer Fight Club has come together again to set another example against the widespread disease of cancer.

Carefuly selected by one of the eldest legends in the Psytrance World Alpha and mastered by Antagon @ Intzerzone Mastering, this is the first Hitech compilation of the label, which showcases the heart and passion for this project series. With Artists from all over the globe, like Iran, Italia, Brasil, South Africa, India and Germany, this output is ment to give an impression of the hard and strong ride during the treatments patients have to take as well to send some power to all ppl effected in any way.

We all stand together and take a stand against one of the deadliest diseases in history …

Almost everyone knows or have known someone who is suffering, struggling or has already lost the battle … Cancer has many different faces and we are still helpless against most types of cancer – and because research takes time and money, we do what is probably not that interesting for the big industry, we would like to do our part to continue the fight and support for affected ppl… This digital download supports neither big pharma nor their lobby shit – it belongs to the ppl who are affected in any way… All income from this compilation will be donated to the Deutsche Krebshilfe and the Hospiz and Palliative Network Munich.

This is not just a psychedelic blast… – this is a Statement !!!


Doc. Shock (Rest In Paradise)